Sports Chiropractic

Sports Chiropractic Newcastle

Are you looking for a quality chiropractor that provide care for sporting injuries?

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$49 initial Chiropractic Assessment
Receive a full neck, spine 
& nerve system examination
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Male & Female Doctors

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Sports Chiropractic Care At Your FIngerTips. 

Many injuries happen on the sports field, with professional evaluation and treatment needed to prevent further harm and get people back in the game. Whether you play the occasional game of soccer or you're immersed in a six-day swimming program with an eye on the Olympics, our sports chiropractic services are tailored to the needs of men and women involved in all sporting activities. 

Whether you're looking for injury management, performance improvement, or total body care, our sports chiropractic services are based on your specific needs.At Healing Wave Chiropractic, our sports chiropractic services are focused on conservative management, efficient rehabilitation, and performance optimisation of the neuromusculoskeletal system for amateur and professional athletes. From acute injuries through to strains, sprains, and structural imbalances, our experienced team has the knowledge required to assess your physical issues in depth and come up with detailed solutions that work.

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Sports Chiropractic Care
Muscular Men

Why Healing Wave?

Here at Healing Wave, our sports chiropractors are experienced in a range of sporting disciplines and the demands that these activities place on the body. Whether you have an impact injury as the result of doing contact sports, or a long term knee complaint from running or tennis, we can provide chiropractic focused exercise solutions that speed up recovery times and assist with rehabilitation.

When it comes to sports chiropractic care, it's not always about fixing the problem, with people also looking for ways to improve their performance or speed up their recovery time. Along with the manipulation of the spine and other joints, we also perform work on soft tissues to ensure sustainable recovery and performance gains. With over 25 years experience and multiple care locations in and around Newcastle, it's easier than ever to find professional support for your sports injuries or issues.

How We Work

There are many ways you can develop problems on the sporting field, from incorrect stretching through to the over-use of specific muscle groups. Here at Healing Wave, we don't just treat the site of pain, we assess the entire physical system and attempt to find the source of the problem. Once we've evaluated your case, we attempt to find long term solutions through education and performance optimisation. Our sports chiropractors regularly undergo ongoing professional education in order to keep up-to-date with the latest knowledge and skills in chiropractic sports care.
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