Loretta is married with 4 beautiful children of her own and has a special interest in helping pregnant women, babies, children and teens be their best.
Loretta says that the science, art and philosophy of chiropractic are unique and resonate with many people.
Currently a consultant chiropractor with Healing Wave, Loretta has a Bachelor of Science, a Master of Chiropractic and a Master of Science (Chiropractic Paediatrics) having studied at Macquarie University and Bournemouth University (UK) and has been made a Fellow of the Royal College of Chiropractic in the faculty of pregnancy and paediatrics.
Loretta is also Webster certified and the Hunter Valley’s only Scolibalance certified chiropractor for conservative care of scoliosis.
She enjoys seeing the changes in children and their families under chiropractic care when their body and brain begin to communicate correctly and believes that life-changing developments can occur when little bodies can learn, play and move at their optimum.