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Quality effective Chiropractic Care to address your individual needs. 
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How Chiropractic Can Help

Physical, emotional and chemical stresses from the typical lifestyles that many of us lead, can often impose a significant burden on our overall well being. These stressors can often manifest via nerve and musculoskeletal disorders including various forms of pain including neck, back, joint or shoulder, or as headaches.

Chiropractic care involves the assessment, diagnosis and proactive intervention to address these physical symptoms, including mechanical disorders of the spine, musculoskeletal system and associated neural pathways. Chiropractors deal with a range of physical complaints in their daily practice. Here at Healing Wave Chiropractic, we help people address these problems through the application of clinically specific and targeted chiropractic care which is designed to suite each individual person.

Biomechanical problems with the spine and musculoskeletal system can have a huge effect on how the body functions and the presentation of pain. Along with acute and chronic physical problems, particular structural disorders may also have a negative effect on nervous system function and general health. Using a combination of physical assessment, diagnosis and clinical management, chiropractors aim to reduce pain and physical discomfort and improve overall health outcomes.

Here at Healing Wave Chiropractic, we provide a full range of chiropractic services for people of all ages. Whether you're suffering from direct neck and back pain or associated headaches and nerve pain, our chiropractors have the experience and expertise needed to evaluate your health concerns and come up with an appropriate care plan for you.
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Back Pain

Back pain is the single most common reason why people seek chiropractic care. While different people may experience back pain in many different ways, sharp pain, discomfort, tension, and stiffness are all common symptoms. 

Back pain can present itself at any stage of life, with complaints more common in middle-aged and older people. Before treating back pain, it's important to ask detailed questions about the symptoms and likely cause. For example, while some back pain is the result of a specific injury, chronic cases may present as a long term effect of poor posture, physical injury, or structural misalignment

The symptoms of back pain vary widely, from mild discomfort and stiffness through to severe disabling pain. There can also be a lot of variation in how back pain progresses over time, with some people living with constant discomfort and others experiencing acute intermittent pain. 

The variation in symptoms is partly due to the wide range of common causes for back pain. These include poor posture, muscle strain and overuse, injuries and accidents, scoliosis, other lifestyle factors and myofascial pain that affects the surrounding muscles. Here at Healing Wave Chiropractic, we help people with back pain through careful physical manipulation and exercise management.
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Headaches are a common cause of discomfort and pain. While not all headaches are the result of musculoskeletal imbalances, your physical structure does play an important role in how your brain experiences and modulates pain messages. People experience a wide range of headache conditions, from mild discomfort at the back and side of the head through to severe migraines, tension headaches, and cervicogenic headaches.

In order to help care for headaches effectively, we analyse each case and find an appropriate care plan based on your symptoms and overall health condition. While there is no clear cause for many headaches, postural problems and mechanical disorders throughout the body can create or exacerbate pain and discomfort in the head. Whether its prolonged slouching, back pain, or lack of physical activity, our experienced chiropractors ask the right questions to find the cause of your headaches before developing an individualised care plan that is appropriate to your needs.
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Neck Pain

Neck pain is one of the more common symptoms which lead people to seek chiropractic care. Neck pain can present itself in many ways, with sharp localised pain, dull aches with stiffness or soreness often experienced in and around the neck area. Certain types of neck complaints are also known to radiate up or down the neck into other parts of the body, including the head, back, shoulders, arms, and fingers.

Associated problems which may also present with neck pain include headaches, back pain, tingling sensations, general weakness, and problems with balance. Here at Healing Wave, we help people with neck pain and its associated problems through careful physical manipulation, ongoing assessment and, where appropriate, exercise management.
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Poor Posture

Poor posture is the source of many physical problems, from back complaints and neck pain through to sciatica and other nerve disorders. With our increasing reliance on devices and screens, and with increased periods of sedentary activity at all ages, poor posture is becoming one of the most significant issues facing the healthcare community. Pain, fatigue, headaches, and breathing problems have all been linked to poor posture.

Here at Healing Wave Chiropractic, we aim to address existing postural issues and change poor posture habits to reduce ongoing damage to the spine and nervous system. Dealing with your posture can be a great way to manage your health before you develop associated problems such as back pain and neck pain. Our experienced chiropractors can help you to identify and manage postural problems through careful physical manipulation and exercise management.
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Nerve Pain

While chiropractic care is mostly focused on the musculoskeletal system with a focus on the spine, we understand the negative effects that mechanical disorders can have on overall nervous system function and general health. There are a number of specialised receptors in our joints and muscles that allow us to move and position our body, with nerve fibres capable of transmitting pain throughout the body when there is a physical imbalance or source of inflammation.

When your spine and joints are not working properly, they may cause pain in your limbs and throughout your entire body. By asking the right questions and performing a detailed physical assessment of your current and past health, our experienced chiropractors aim to reduce nerve pain and improve general well being. The chiropractic care that we provide is specifically designed to address nerve pain at its source.
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